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In order to improve their various situations and to live happier lives, we believe that these aspects of their lives should be focused on:
All of KIND's programs seek to address one or more of the major areas of focus with which we feel our participants should engage in.

Literacy & Remedial Education

Discipline &
Behaviour Modification

Cultural Engagement & Appreciation

Social Education -
Development of Skills, Abilities & Competencies

Mentorship, Appreciation of Diversity & the Fostering of Positive Attitudes
We work hard to develop & offer programming that is in line with our philosophy of holistic development.
Our programming is primarily geared towards youth ages 5-17.
We also have programs that address key developmental areas for people outside of these age ranges; parents, guardians and other adults.
Our programs are meant to facilitate deep learning, a sense community, and cooperation between and among all participants. We also strive to include fun and engaging content into all of our program offerings.
Check out our program offerings below!
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